Friday, February 17, 2006


All I have to say about the Dick Cheney incident is that I wish he'd been hunting Quayle.

Second, we ate lunch in Santa Cruz one day at a Brazilian restaurant. Dunno if I've mentioned it before, but I was an exchange student to Brasil in between my junior and senior years of high school. Here's the restaurant sign and a 12 pack of golden deliciousness we brought home. (No, it's not beer, it's Guarana, drink of the gods. Yum.)

Third, the Science Fair was Wednesday night, so here are a few pix from that.

Here's Evan with his project.

Here's Garrett and one of his teachers.

Here's Garrett's motorized doohickey he built with Dad. Neat, huh?

That's it for today -- I am sorry I've been incommunicado but with company here, the Science Fair, volunteering, and helping out some friends with child care the computer has not been a priority. Garrett has his first Little League practice this afternoon, and we're off to Sacramento for a couple of days after that. No school all week so not sure how much I'll be around.
PS -- Everybody got one of those fancy red and gold ribbons AND a gift certificate to Baskin-Robbins at the Science Fair. They don't actually get judged here until Middle School.


  1. Yeah for those smart boys. I love the photo of the mansion and the magnolia. We don't see those for a while yet!

  2. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I always had a thing for science fairs...wonder when we'll get to that...

    Re: do you mistake a tall old lawyer for a squat brown bird? Seriously?
