Wednesday, March 01, 2006


This is for my friend Roxie.

Roxie died on Leap Day, 2004.

She picked that day (I know she did) because then her husband, kids and friends would not have to deal with an actual anniversary of her death for 4 years.

She was a clever one, that lady.

Heart of gold, strong, funny ... a great friend and definitely a great person to have in your book group.

I didn't appreciate that group for what it was at the time. What an amazing collection of people with such intellectual curiousity and mutual respect. We called ourselves "The Not Too Bad Book Group." Because in Minnesota it isn't nice to brag. You can't just call yourself the "Best Book Group Ever," because that would be rude. But you can say, "I'm in this book group. I enjoy it. It's not too bad." Like, no one smells terrible or is really mean or forces their opinions on everyone else. It's not bad.

So I am posting this at 11:59 pm on February 28. The almost-second anniversary of the death of my friend, whom I did not appreciate enough in life and who I miss.

And to the rest of the now-defunct Not Too Bad Book Group: you guys rock. I treasure the memories of those days.

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