Friday, February 03, 2006

Thanks to Susan for pointing out that my new counter wasn't showing up. It should be there now.

And as for the housecleaning, I'm doing mine now. In November I am hoping a lot of us will decide that the current leadership (in Congress, in Minnesota, in California, to mention a few places) has earned the right to a vacation. I hear Baghdad is really nice this time of year. Perhaps they'll want to join our intrepid troops in the sandbox.

Ya think?


  1. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I think that's a good counter.

    I am all for your idea to give the pols and opportunity to literally stick their heads into the sand.

  2. I like the counter and the photo of you. Very nice updates.

    I have no idea who will be president next. I of course am pulling for Evan Bayh!
