Monday, June 05, 2006

Gay Marriage Amendment

I am not prepared to dive into a long post with all kinds of rhetoric on the inanity that passes for governing in the Bush White House.

That said, the Consitution of the United States is a document that, for over 200 years, has *granted* rights to the people of the United States.

Using the Constitution to DENY a group of people the right to do something that will only benefit them and their families and will not affect heterosexual marriages in any way is WRONG. WRONG. Did I say that plainly enough?

And if anybody out there happens to watch The View, this morning Elisabeth Hasselbeck made a completely inane, homophobic, decidedly un-Christian argument FOR the amendment. When is Rosie coming? Soon, I hope. And if anyone at The View is reading, wouldya just take the advice I sent in my email this morning and DUMP THAT BITCH already?

When I was in the Army I swore to protect the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. It seems to me the enemies we should all be worrying about are the domestic kind.


  1. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I thought of you when I heard that Bush nonsense on the news this evening...


  2. I think everyone should have the right to go to divorce court like the rest of us! :)

    And I never watch The View because I can't stand anyone but Joy and now she is leaving and Meredith is ruining my morning show too. TV sucks!
