Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Get over it already

I am sick to death of people acting like poor little Jennifer Aniston has been fatally wounded by Brad and Angelina. Why is it that Angelina is portrayed as the "man stealer"? Why does no one take Brad to task for (supposedly) cheating?

(This post sponsored and inspired by the vapid, inane Elisabeth Hasselbeck of The View, by the way).

I'm not a big Aniston fan anyway. And I was aghast that they were dating, much less that they got married. My brother's name is Brad. Brad and Jen are not names that should be linked romantically in my mind -- EVER.

But puh-LEEZE, Lissie, shut the hell up about this. Seriously.

And if you're gonna be bitter at somebody, it should be Brad. Hold him accountable for his actions. He is a grown man responsible for his choices.

And for the record, I am happy if Jen is with Vince Vaughn. He is disgusting and tacky beyond belief. They deserve each other. Now if the media would just leave them alone so I don't have to hear about them anymore....


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Geez, Jen! strong feelings about this issue, eh?! lol Brad is a scumbag (so is A!!) all he did was go to work, sheesh....I like VV!!! lol then again, I am tacky and disgusting so there you have it!haaa!

  2. Is there any reason why anybody should even care what they do? It is not like he was an elected official with an intern.

  3. I agree that Brad should be accountable for his poop in the whole thing. And yes I am tired of hearing everyone talk about Jennifer Aniston. I am sure shes sick of it too.

    BUT I LOVE Vince I must say that I probably find him more appealing than I do Brad lately. lol

  4. Anonymous9:21 PM

    You really watch The View? This amazes me somehow.

  5. All men who cheat are dog *hit. But, I agree, shut the hell up about it all ready.
