Friday, June 08, 2007

School's out for summer!

Rob just left for a few days R&R with some friends so it is just me & the kids. We're going to the library, hanging out with friends, and maybe getting a few things accomplished around the house. It's cool today but it feels much better than the humidity of the last few days, so I'll take it.

Here's a photo from last weekend, when my folks were here. My dad shaved his beard recently -- he had had it since I was 6 (that's 31 years ago for those of you who are counting...) and it really freaked me out the first few times I saw him without the furry face. I guess I'm getting used to it now ... and it didn't seem to bother my kids at all.

Side note: yes, Spencer dressed himself that day. He dresses himself every day. It just so happened that he was being especially creative in his choices this time around. *Sigh*.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Diva comes out wearing outfits like that sometimes. You are a better mom than I, I always make her change. It's the control-freak in me.
