(NOT Scrapjazz, which appears to be down), and there was a thread discussing the last Harry Potter book.
Here's my question:
how on earth can you read thousands of pages in these books and still spell characters' names wrong?
It is really annoying to me. And these are not typos, they are clearly what people have been reading the names as.
Yes, I know I'm picky. And a control freak. But these characters are my friends now, and it bugs me when someone gets their names wrong. Because if you loved them like I do, you would care enough to get it right.
Just copy it from the books. It's not rocket science.
I'm just sayin'.
You know what that reminds me of? People who HEAR the correct pronunciation of a word, but continue to pronounce it incorrectly. For some reason, the only example I can come up with is the word Islam, where the s is NOT pronounced with a Z sound. Anyway, I've heard many interviewers speaking to someone who pronounces it correctly, only to continue in their annoying error. There are other examples, notably in the arena of names.