Saturday, August 04, 2007

Summer stuff

This is Evan and Sonya on Tuesday. The kids all had a great time playing in the pool. And of course I love having little girls around. Just a totally different feel.

Rob's mom is here. We went to the county fair last night and I had a funnel cake. Delish. Although I totally pissed off the lady in the booth because they were handing out lily-livered (read: not golden brown) cakes and I asked that it be cooked correctly. Not that it bothers me to have people pissed at me. I just commented to Rob (very loudly) that I was unaware it was my responsibility to make people happy. Funny, I actually thought it was HER responsibility to do that, seeing as she was working in a food booth at a freakin' fair. Yeah, that went over well. LOL However, I got a funnel cake that was properly cooked. So there.

Rob's mom brought RAIN with her. We have been so dry it is a welcome relief.

And today we are on our way to a Twins game. We invited Garrett's friend because we had an extra ticket and we are taking the light rail to the Dome. I'm worried because the Village Idiot will be in town to see the bridge disaster up close so I expect traffic and security (not to mention air travel) will be a nightmare up there today. And god forbid any news outlets should let anybody know when and where he's going. Argh.

I have our trip planner done and in a binder, complete with all addresses, phone numbers, and confirmation numbers for hotel reservations.

Next step -- putting together a binder with family genealogy charts, historical documents, photos, etc. to bring along on the trip. I called Rob's 2nd cousin twice removed and he will be delighted to escort us to old family homes and the cemetery where all the old and venerables are buried. I know, to most people it just sounds creepy, but I can't wait.

Okay, peeps -- have a wonderful weekend!!!!

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