Monday, August 27, 2007


I'm here.

Doing much better (the pain is all but gone and no more Vicodin is needed) and my mom and dad came last week and cleaned, did laundry, and even mowed the lawn.

I have neglected to post that the day before we left on vacation a woman hit me in the shiny red minivan and dented the left front fender and mucked the bumper. So. It was driveable (is that spelled right? is it even a freakin' word?) and I decided to worry about it later. Today is later and I took the van to Little Bob's and picked up a rental car covered by the lady's insurance. Should have the van back by the end of the week.

Generally I would be much more bitter about that whole chain of events but right now I am just glad it wasn't worse. Funny how your perspective changes when there's a blood clot in your body. Hmmmmm.

I am done with the shots, too, and the oral meds are working and I had a blood test today, then one Friday, and with any luck I will be down to once-a-week for the remaining 3 months I need to be on rat poison. Oh yeah. Second paragraph. Yikes!

I still tire easily and I spent the afternoon in bed napping. I do feel better and I have written a ton of thank you notes for all the things people did and sent to me. Oh my gosh, dinners, babysitting, flowers, books, a laptop (seriously! but just a loaner) and even a yummy candle. I just haven't mailed them yet. LOL

And in fun household stuff, after what seemed like an eternity of cutting up credit cards and paying them off slowly, we finally did it. Done. Just a few weeks ago. So what did Rob do this weekend? Got cards for Menards and Home Depot. ROFL

I'm just sad neither of those stores carries this or this.


  1. Geez!! I hope you and the car recover soon!

  2. Congratulations on paying off the credit cards! Hope the new cards come with extra points or cash back. Once you get used to pay them off every month they are quite beneficial.
