Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Spencer's mini-session

He had an hour and a half in the classroom today. It went great. He was perfectly happy and I couldn't be sad because he was so excited. This kid has been in classrooms since he was 2. He has waited SO long to be in kindergarten. How can I be sad?

Of course, all bets are off tomorrow. I have to put him on the bus.

I did realize today that my first child went to kindergarten about a week after turning 5. This kid is the age his brother was at the END of the school year. He is so ready. *Sigh.*

In other news, I tamed the paper beast in my house today. I took 4 paper grocery sacks full of seriously compacted shredded paper in them outside for the recyclers today. It feels so good. Tomorrow the genealogy material from our trip that is threatening to take over the world (or at least my scrap room) and maybe getting all the paperwork together to mail to my grandma so we can finally put this Henry thing to rest. (Again with the jokes. Sorry. Honestly, I just really think it's funny ....)


  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    If you get lonely and you need some time of being whined at, you're welcome to come out here and enjoy my non-school children! ;)

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I cannot believe how much Spencer has changed since you left Cali!! Dustin was so excited to start school (he started on 8/28). He hides from me if he sees me at school so I won't take him home.
    WE MISS YOU!!!!
