Friday, November 23, 2007

Am I an egomaniac?

Kristi over at Mi Vida Ocupada posted about why people blog and obsess over their Facebook and MySpace pages, accumulating friends. At least I thought I read that on Bloglines, but now I can't actually find it on her blog. It is entirely possible I have left this plane of reality. Whatever.

It just made me think I should write about that a bit. I keep my blog, first and foremost, for me. It is my place to vent, to reflect, to be as crazy mixed up sometimes as I am in real life. There are things I keep to myself (obviously) but there is a LOT of my life that is out here on the ol' w-w-w.

The second reason I do it is that it is a record of my life. I kept diaries for many years. I sometimes wish I had kept a diary during my time in the Army -- some really important events in my life happened in that space and I would like to have a written record rather than my untrustworthy memory.

Third, we live a long way from our parents and many of our friends. This is a place they all can come to see what we're up to, catch up on the kids, and feel like they have a daily window into our lives. It is a great way for me to keep my folks in tune with what the grandkids are doing.

I just signed up again for SiteMeter. When I switched the look around, I lost it and I had just never gotten around to setting it up again. That should be your first clue that the statistics of my site are not my focus. I do love to look at the map and see where people are when they access my site -- hello there in Brasil! leave a comment, will you? Obrigada.

I do enjoy a fair bit of attention -- I am not shy, I have a lot of confidence most of the time, and this is definitely a place where the focus is on me. That being said, it is also a place that is optional for people to visit -- they can just choose not to surf over here if I annoy them. And, oh yes, dear reader, I do annoy people. LOL Sadly, that is also something I enjoy.

Bruce Springsteen said in a recent interview that his son accuses him of being an "attention whore." Well, I don't play to stadiums full of throngs of thousands of screaming fans, but I do appreciate a comment here and there from the poor souls who are out there looking in on my life.

So? Am I an egomaniac? Well, kinda. But don't let that stop you from coming back. And leave a comment, willya? A girl (even an egomaniac) needs some positive reinforcement.


  1. Here is a link to my Thoughts for Thursday post about Cyber Popularity:

  2. Jennifer,
    I can;t tell you how much I appreciate that you do blog as much as you do. I enjoy reading what all you are doing and the pictures how the boys are changing. Thanks for sharing your day.
    Love, Rhonda

  3. I have a friend I call a Spotlight Whore--and you aren't it. Believe me, you are normal. We all have a little type A in there somewhere.
