Tuesday, July 26, 2005

phone tag

I forgot to post this earlier, but I lost my cell phone on our trip. Not such a big deal for me, as I don't use it all that much, but still a pain in the neck.

Good news, though -- it has been found. Apparently it fell out of my purse or pocket (not sure which) in the chaos of our arrival at the airport (LATE, as usual) and the hasty removal of all of our belongings from the car. I think it was most likely when I was in the back seat struggling to pull Spence's car seat and I couldn't unfasten the stupid latch. Whatever.

Sad thing is I have had multiple cell phones, beginning with a Motorola flip phone in 1996, then a Nokia (which I loved but technologically it became a dinosaur), to another Nokia (a horrible little phone on which I could hear nothing -- and it was ugly), to my current shiny Samsung flip phone with (this is the most important feature --) a keypad that lights up blue and looks really pretty. After a year with a phone I depised I got the phone of my dreams a week before we left for the midwest and I had it customized with a great looking wallpaper design and an awesome ring tone. It was a free phone, but I agreed to 2 more years of service. To replace it I would have had to buy another one for $120. I loved it and then I lost it. I hate it when that happens. And just so you know, I am NOT a careless person. I do not, as a rule, lose things. And being a perfectionist, I am entirely too rough on myself when I do misplace something. I've been beating myself up about this since July 21.

So my beautiful new flip phone with the palm tree/beach scene and "Margaritaville" ring tone are on the way back to me for the low low price of $10 shipping via FedEx (hey, it's better than paying $120 for a new phone, right?).

It'll be here by the end of the week and as soon as it arrives I'll resume service on it. Call me!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you found it. Did some nice stranger find it and turn it in?
