Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ahhh ..... the 80s.

Bon Jovi was on Oprah yesterday. I LOVE that band -- still. And Jon Bon Jovi is one of my top 3 Jersey boys -- right up there with Bruce Springsteen, of course, and Frank Sinatra. They must be doing something right in Jersey!

So here's Jon, gorgeous rock -n- roll hunk, talking about being a husband and a father and living a semi-normal life when he isn't jet-setting all over the globe with the boys in the band. I like him even better now. A family man. Whooda thunk it?

So it was 1984, and there was this song my friend Lorrie loved. I was not a hair band girl up to that point. And then I saw him, in the "She Don't Know Me" video. And I fell in love. By the time they hit it REALLY big with the album "Slippery When Wet" I was telling everyone that I had known that band for years, what took everybody else so long to figure out they were cool?

How much do I love them? Well, I have their second album, which almost no one knows, and it's on cassette. LOL My fave track is "Silent Night." And at my wedding dance we played "Love is a Social Disease" because it's a bunny hop (I kid you not, I led the bunny hop in my strapless gown! And my mom was mortified. Quote: "What kind of a title is that for a song? And at your wedding dance? etc.)

So who do you love? What song brings back a memory so clear it's like you're still there? What was your favorite hair band of the 80s?

And on the off chance that Jon sees this ... you're still on my list, dude, Dorothea notwithstanding. A girl's gotta dream.....


  1. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Well, you must remember that those years were defining moments for me at a slightly different stage than you were going out of HS while I was just getting started...
    But let's see: Warrant (Heaven) Bad English (When I See You Smile) and Sherrif (When I'm With You-ooo-ooo-feed him some O2 already!)
    Damn near wore out my cassette single of Nelson's Love and Affection (I was only 16 in 1990...I had no sense yet).
    I also have a thing for Areosmith, but I resent that Buick is trying to get me to buy cars by playing their music. It makes me feel OLD.

  2. I watched that too and they are on the Today show this morning. He is a hottie and I love their new song, "Have a Nice Day."
