Monday, September 05, 2005

A visit to Rochester!!!

Okay, I feel much better now. I am going to Rochester, MN for a few days this month. I've mentioned it before, but we are in San Jose, CA on a temporary assignment for my husband's job and we will move back to our house in Rochester next summer.

This trip is a treat for me -- I will stay with my friend Stacy and her family and will attend a scrapbooking event as part of the trip. But I will have enough time to see some friends and hang out for a while, too. I fly out Thursday the 15th and don't leave Minneapolis until 5 pm Monday. Woo hoo!

Major props to Rob (dear husband) for recognizing that I need a sanity break.

Can't wait to see you in Rochester!!!


  1. Have a great time.

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Hi Jennifer! I haven't been to rochester in a really long time, but I have heard its beautiful! I am just a few hours away in St Paul. Have fun!

  3. Anonymous3:33 PM

    The land of minivans awaits! Hurry!
