Thursday, November 10, 2005

Fall colors

Fall in Northern California is gorgeous -- a lot of people don't realize that we actually have 4 seasons here. The trees lose their leaves and the air gets crisp. Today our high was about 68 degress Fahrenheit, and people were walking around in heavy jackets and scarves. Yes, it DOES feel cooler than 68 in the Midwest (or maybe I'm just acclimated), but scarves are still overkill, people.

Here are a few pix from this afternoon in the neighborhood. No critiquing my photography here, most of these were taken from the front seat of the van (Yes, I was parked! Are you nuts?)


  1. Nice colors I had no idea. I always get a big kick out of going to SF in the summer and they are running around in scarves, mittens and hats and it is 50. What would they do if it was 5 degrees with a wind chill of -40?

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    We had 40 mph winds on Wed. All the leaves are gone now, enjoy yours while you can!

  3. Wow. I live in Michigan and the leaves have mostly fallen off here. Pretty photos. I agree - 68 degrees is not for coats!
