Friday, December 16, 2005

Psycho mommies

Just home from the 1st grade Christmas party, at which one mom, while several of us were counting the younger sibs who were present, pissed me off. Royally.

I said, "Brennan, Sydney, Jordan, Spencer..." at which she interrupted, snappishly, "Jordan and Spencer are in the same family." And yes, there is a Spencer in the class whose sister is Jordan. BUT -- and this is how I responded, "I have a Spencer." WTF?! Does she think the other Spencer is the only one on the goddamn planet? For chrissakes, her daughter's name is Nicole. Don't think there are any more of those anywhere, do ya?

In other news, Darin from All Prep No H commented on my blog. OMG -- *blush* -- he acknowledged my existence. **Swoon**

And yes, I will definitely fill you all in sometime on the reason I think every girl should have a gay best friend at some time in her life. (It's the same reason I have a total blog crush on a guy who describes himself as homofaggoty.) A hint: my reason's name is Todd and I knew him in the Army before don't ask don't tell. Of course, I think at the time he was clueless and actually had nothing to tell, but that's another blog entry entirely. Truth be known, it's a smutty novel rather than a minor blog entry.

Now you can't wait to hear all about it, right? Well, it's not the first time I've been called a tease....

And the Super Secret project? Well, it should arrive at its destination today or tomorrow and as soon as I know it's been received, I will post it in my Scrapjazz gallery and link to it here.


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