Tuesday, February 14, 2006

the week of luuuuuuuuhhhhhv

This is a view of the courtyard and our balcony in Santa Cruz. We had a private hot tub out there -- lovely under a full moon. The window at the top of the stairs was in our room.

We spent Monday down on the beach in Santa Cruz. The waves were nice that day and a lot of surfers were out.

I thought these two with their boards made a great shot.

And here are some breaking waves -- you can see a few surfers in there. I can't imagine living somewhere where this is my view every day. Gorgeous.

So the week of luuuuuuuhv ends. LOL We had a nice anniversary, a great little getaway for a couple of days ... I couldn't ask for more. Well, except for diamonds, maybe. But in lieu of diamonds, this year I am getting a cross-country trip in the minivan and a new solid surface stove.
What? Disappointed, me? Naaaahhhh. Haven't you heard? Food is love, people. Stoves cook food, food is love ... you get it. I'm a happy girl.

Plus I got diamonds from my folks. *Insert giant happy face smiley emoticon here*.



  1. Way cool. That view is breathtaking.

  2. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Glad you had such a nice time for your birthday and anniversary weekend, and also while JoAnn was there. She's coming home to the coldest weather this winter - BRRRRRR! Love, Mom
