Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Again with the lung cancer

Okay, we already had the big sob fest here when Peter Jennings died last year of lung cancer.

Earlier today I posted about a Minnesota hero who died at a tragically young age.

Now ... Dana Reeve. That's ReevE, not Reeves. Widow of Christopher Reeve. (Again, no "S" on the end.)

Lung cancer. In a non-smoking woman who was the stepmother of two, the mother of a 13 year old who already lost their dad. She was 44. Man, sometimes life just really isn't fair.


  1. I SO feel for those kids.

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I was interviewed by a local radio station on Reeve's death. They wanted to know if the secondhand smoke (she was a nightclub singer in NYC in the years before the ban) caused the cancer.

    Of course, we can't say for certain. But Dana wasn't working around radon or other known cancer-causing agents, so the list of suspect narrows...

    Bob Moffitt
    Communications Director
    American Lung Association of Minnesota
