Monday, May 15, 2006


I watched the final episode of The West Wing last night. I've written here before that I tend to have a show that I watch faithfully and when it's done I find another show. The West Wing has been my show for 7 seasons. As a politically-obsessed news junkie, I was hooked from the minute I saw the first promo for it.

The first episode aired last night right before the finale. I was SO impressed with that first episode. The style of the show, the fast-paced dialogue, the moving camera shots, the snappy exchanges and witty asides, they were all there. The characters were themselves. Toby, Josh, Leo, C.J. -- all were exactly as they were throughout the show. How amazing that Aaron Sorkin created characters who were so real and true-to-life that even when he no longer had creative control the people who took over were able to continue to write those characters.

Was anybody else shocked at John Spencer's appearance in the first episode? It struck me how much he had aged in those 7 years. I miss him desperately.

My favorite part of the first episode was the end, where Jed yelled, "Mrs. Landingham! What's next?" -- that phrase, "what's next?" was a constant through the show, a habit of Jed's that I loved. Always looking forward. So imagine how thrilled I was when the new President uttered the same phrase to his secretary. "What's next?" -- Loved it.

My favorite part of the finale? Well, it was the final scene when Jed opens the gift from Mallory, Leo's daughter. Oh. My. God. It was the napkin. THE napkin -- the one that Leo wrote, "Bartlet for President" on. The napkin that started the entire journey. I fell apart and sobbed as the show ended.

Think I'm pathetic? Crazy? That I need to, as I've written before, BUY a life? Fine. Think what you will. But there will NEVER be another show like that for me. Never. What an amazing ride ....

And if anyone needs an idea for a gift for me at Christmas? Well, the only thing I really want is the complete set on DVD. You know it'll be out there. I must own it. (Hint, hint)

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