Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mother's Day

Since the Mother's Day cards I made got in the mail late, I thought I'd post a quick note to and about my mom here. Several people commented on my spunky mom -- well, she wasn't always that spunky. She grew up believing in traditional roles for womeen and men, and spent a lot of years married to a pretty controlling man (my dad, whom we all love very much and who has come a LONG way since then). It took her a lot of years and some really good friends to finally loosen up and speak her mind, but boy, when she got to that point, she was like a house on fire.

She is strong, she makes no apologies for who she is or how she feels, she is loving, she is fierce, she is loyal, she is intelligent, she is modest, she is a *helluva* lot of fun, she is caring, she is generous, she is a wonderful friend, she is self-sacrificing, she is my best friend, she is everything I want to be as a wife and mother.

Happy Mother's Day. *Raising my margarita high* Cheers, Mom!


  1. What a great tribute. I'll raise my too!

  2. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Hope you had a nice Mother's Day too!
