Yep, finally my kids are done with school. They had Field Day today (which, when I was a kid, was "Torture Day" to me) but they loved it and had fun. So glad I don't have to go out there and play those Mickey-Mouse games and act like I enjoy being on a team. In elementary school I was the kid who was always on the outside in those games, not really wanting to be a part of it but not wanting to call attention to myself, either. In later years (the Army, college, etc) I was the one who stayed to the back, avoided all participation if possible, and rolled my eyes often. If I could get away with it, I also made fun of everybody who was participating in an enthusiatic manner to anyone who'd listen. What am I saying, "Was" for? I still am that girl.
My darling husband does "team building exercises" every once in a while at work. They have gone bowling (LAME), canoeing (OMG, for REAL?), and today they are at a baseball game. Seriously. These are not team building exercises for people like me. I realize he is trying to give people a fun relaxing day with their co-workers, but PLEASE. I do not, under any circumstances, want to hang with my co-workers while doing any of those exercises. I am a geek. I am proud of my geekiness. I worked hard to be such a brainy, smart-ass, know-it-all. I have my reputation to uphold, for chrissakes.
So if I ever work for you (as-IF -- because I am incapable of working for anyone anymore. Hard to work for someone when you're as arrogant as me and you KNOW you are smarter on your dumbest day than they are on their smartest), keep in mind that for me the ideal team building exercise is in an art museum, a library, a concert hall, or a Broadway Theater. Right now I am dying to see Jersey Boys, The Drowsy Chaperone, The Pajama Game, and Sweeney Todd. So tix to the theater would be great -- but don't even freakin' THINK about me laughing and enjoying myself in a splendid game of Bocce with a group of people. Not gonna happen. I'll be the one off to the side drinking margaritas and making fun of everyone else.
Your boys are going to get screwed on vacation this summer since we start so much eariler in the midwest. I feel bad for them.