Friday, June 23, 2006

Winding down .,..

It's hard to believe but today was Rob's farewell lunch at work. He has really enjoyed his time out here -- the people he has worked with have been great and I know he has appreciated their talent and hard work. It seems they appreciated him, as well. We had lunch at Chevy's (a Mexican restaurant) and I got a sitter for the boys so I could tag along.

Everyone seemed genuinely sad to see him go. Many people told me he was the best manager they had ever had. It was fun, but a little sad, too. Yesterday they took a big group photo and they will give him a framed print to take back to Minnesota and hang in his office. They also gave him a card that will take 2 hours to read because of all the notes and wishes written on it, and a Sears gift card. I was glad to see that; he can put it with the gift card from the boys for Father's Day and hopefully get a tool he needs.

Can't believe it's been 2 years.

In other news, Evan's last game is tomorrow and Sunday is Woodies on the Wharf in Santa Cruz. THAT will be hard, as Santa Cruz is my favorite place to go here. Ya gotta love a town whose slogan is "Keep Santa Cruz weird." It's definitely my kind of place. I will cry, I know, as we leave that evening. But it will be a fun day and we are all looking forward to it. I'm going to keep an eye out for the chick with the pink Studebaker wagon. If we see her again, I'll definitely post a picture. She is worth 10,000 words, I guarantee it!

And last, (sorry, it's the newscaster coming out in me) I made a phone call today that may rekindle a friendship I have been missing. Keep your fingers crossed.

Have a great weekend, kids!


  1. I can't believe you have been there two years either. Wow!

    Congrats to Rob. It is no secret that when you treat people decent, they appreciate it.

  2. Oh, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  3. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Woodies?? Is that a car reference? Clearly my auto "know-how" is "no where."
