Saturday, August 05, 2006


So -- I can report that I have made some visible progress. I am slowly weeding thru things and delivering them to the Goodwill. I sold a rug yesterday -- made $25 and it's outta my hair. Yay!

The scrap room is starting to look okay. I have an IKEA clock that we got for a buck once and I altered it with scrap paper to match the room. Looks great! Rob hung several things on the wall for me and hooked up all my 'puter accessories.

After much drama (to be discussed later) I got the 3 1/2 x 5 inch prints of the beach and put them in the frame. I used the color and am happy with the results. I'll use the black and white ones in a layout, I think. Pix later.

Rob put an extra shelf in one of the closets in here for me and will add one more so I can get my sewing machine & accessories put away. (Have I mentioned that the bedrooms in this house have funny li'l his-and-hers closets? One of the things I totally love about it!)

We bought pegboard for the wall this week so I can hang my Creative Memories Custom Cutting System patterns. Have I mentioned how awesome this system is? It took me a while to get used to it but I would never use anything else anymore.

Anyway, I also found some really awesome paper trays that attch to the pegboard, which I needed because I don't have enough floor space for my wire cubes. (Plus the wire cubes got reconfigured and they now hold Rescue Heroes. Many, many Rescue Heroes. And trucks. And sailboards, and dune buggies, and police cars, all of which belong to the Rescue Heroes.) So the trays are on their way to me (I hope!) and that will help me clean some things up here.

I must admit that altering that clock has made me feel more mentally healthy. Apparently I need to be creating (or making a mess, whichever you want to call it) to keep myself happy. Good to know.

Last bit o'happy news: after I got my new stove I ran our dishwasher. It is OLD. And it leaked. I was SO sad, having spent twice what I needed to on the stove. I coulda got a d/w and a not-so-fancy stove if I had known. I was devastated.

Enter DH -- who went to the appliance store (where we had already picked out a dishwasher because ours was old and so loud that you couldn't hear the TV when it was on) and ordered me a dishwasher and scheduled the delivery and simply handed me the receipt last Saturday morning. Have I mentioned he is AWESOME? Seriously.

So the new dishwasher is here and -- **extra bonus** -- it holds a magnet! (Which the old one did not.) So I can use the fancy little altered CD I did that says, Dirty/Clean. Gotta love that.


  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Must see pegboard paper trays! Don't go putting important info like that out there without details woman!!

  2. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Why does your weather pixie have a cat? Why is she wearing a sarong-y looking thing when it's 75 and overcast?
