Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Teegan Tribute and other stuff

This is Kristin with Andrew and Timothy. Her little boys remind me of my older 2 when they were small. Seems like yesterday. And of all the people I envy at Scrapjazz for their talent, their generosity, their compassion, I propably envy Kristin the most. She is friends in real life with my pal Mimi. Someday I am going to stalk Mimi, end up at her house, and we'll all scrap together. Right girls?

Sorry this is up a day late. Seems like things (a lot of things) have gotten away from me lately. I have tamed the laundry beast and am moving toward getting organized again.

And say a winter prayer or something for me today -- I am supposed to go visit my mom (taking Amtrak) Thursday night but it looks like our weather is going to be as bad as last weekend. I would *really* like to go for the weekend, so keep your fingers crossed for me. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I will pray for you! Because if you don't get snow, I don't get snow either! We all win! YAY!
