Monday, August 06, 2007


I told her I was waiting to debut it, but I lied. I won a new banner from Kristi over at Mi Vida Ocupada and she worked her digi magic and came up with this beauty. I absolutely love it. The photos are, from left to right, the Plummer Building, a fixture on the Rochester skyline for years and the most beautiful building in the Mayo system, Rob and the boys at Point Lobos in California, the California state flower, the Golden Poppy, at the Carmel Mission, and the mighty Pacific, again at Point Lobos.

I want to redo some of the colors, etc. on the blog, but that will have to wait. In the meantime, go visit Kristi and give her some love for my gorgeous new banner!


  1. It is awesome! I love the new look.

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I hate to be a hater,
    but I guess I got to.

    I could pimp out your blog with some fly banners jus like dat yo.

    For shizzle.

  3. What I meant to say was:

    The new banner for your blog may have some nice colors and pictures, but it is not sharp and clear. It looks to pixelated, as if the conversion from vector-based graphics to raster mode was done improperly. In the businessness, the little dots around the words and pictures are called "compression artifacts." If it were me, I would have used the Inkscape vector graphics drawing program and exported your banner using the proper resolution.

    I have never created a banner for anyone except Sandy, but I would be glad to make a nice crisp one for you, and ever put some of those damn flowers on it.

    Sorry for being so wordy.

    Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

  4. wow, your friend Kurt can do whatever he likes! I was just looking at the title and was noticing the same thing, not sure why it is like that. I was going to offer to change it but if he wants to go through all that work, so be it.Kinda makes me feel like crap that he is so critical...I don't charge and I never clained to be a professional, I am just learning

  5. I don't think you can be both pretty AND an expert in vector graphics I'll be leaving now....

  6. On behalf of my husband, I would like to offer my sincere apologies.


  7. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Hey Sandy, your blog header looks like a damn kid did it! Cut the guy some slack! All he did was point out that there was some excess pixelage in the above banner.

    Perhaps there was some kind of a bug in the proprietary JPEG artifact reduction algorithms built-in to that person's image manipulation program!?! Did you ever think of that? No, you didn't.

    Probably because you were too busy taking pictures of your husband eating turkey legs.

  8. Hey Kurt,
    Maybe you can help me figure out what I am doing wrong?!

  9. The new banner looks better, but still looks pixelated?! Did you resize it after I sent it to you? It could be that it was somehow resized when you uploaded it? If you knew the exact size it needed to be, I could resize it for you before you upload it to an image hosting site

  10. I did resize it -- I emailed the correct width in pixels so I can try to upload it again. I use Blogger so I don't have an outside site to host images.
