Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Teegan Tribute Tuesday

This is my dear friend Teresa. We have been friends since we went to DINFOS when we were both in the Army in 1989.

We have always had a lot in common, but it still amazes me that today we are the proud and happy mamas of 3 boys each. I often joke that any mom of 3 boys is certifiably insane. Teresa, however, is as sane and strong a woman as you will find. I am grateful to have her in my life.

It is hard for Teresa to get together with all 3 of her sons at once. Her 2 older boys, Kraig and Kory, are autistic and Kory lives with his dad. So she sent the next best thing -- pictures of her with Kraig and Kory and her with youngest son Michael (who is just 16 days younger than my Evan) and Kraig.

We are going to stay with them this weekend while we're on the mega-family-reunion-roadtrip. I can't wait to see her.

Thanks Teresa, and I am so sorry this took so long to appear! I just cleaned out my email and found it. Oops.


  1. Enjoy the super-mega reunion!

  2. I have fooled you for a long time. I am completely nuts.
