Thursday, November 29, 2007

A 3 margarita day

I know -- I'm awful. Okay, maybe not as awful as I thought I was last night (thanks for the kind words), but I volunteered at school today and the 4/5 class wiped me out. I was exhausted by 11 AM. By the time I finished in the class I was thinking it was a 3 margarita day. That's how I evaluate my volunteer days at school. The more margaritas, the more stressful the day.

Three margaritas. Honestly, I wanted one by about 11, too. The kids didn't have their work done. Many just didn't bother to come up and check in with me because they knew they weren't done (or they simply didn't let me check off what WAS done). Others (these were the ones who really annoyed me) came up and handed me workbooks with zero pages of the assignment done and spelling packets that were half complete. WTF?

Add to that one girl (who was missing one assignment and was therefore getting the dreaded orange slip) who just kept whining about it, close to tears, getting angry with the teacher and her friends, and generally acting like a spoiled 2 year old, and I lost it. I told her exactly what I tell my kids: you may not be done crying and whining about this but I am done listening to it. Be quiet or leave the room; I've had enough.

She was NOT happy. Argh.

In the afternoon things were much easier. The kids listened pretty well, did their work, and allowed me to get a lot of little cumbersome jobs done for the teacher. It was nice to leave the building feeling as though I had been productive and done something meaningful; had I left at noon the day would have left a far more bitter taste in my mouth.

That being said, it was still a 3 margarita day.


  1. LOL! I think many teachers ahve multiple margarita days...especially near the full moon!

  2. When ever I help in class - I feel really good if I get to file something, sharpen something, clean something, correct something, glue something, hang something....etc... if I have to actually teach something, I feel like I wasted my time. I know...I'm not going to heaven.
