Saturday, November 17, 2007

Health issues

I haven't posted about this because it's too much information for some people (hi Dad) and because I haven't known how it was all going to pan out. Now I am closer to the solution (I hope) and I am hoping someone out there will have experience with this and will be able to reassure me and/or offer advice.

To make a long story short (and avoid many icky details), I have menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding). I have suffered for a long time and since April have been trying to do something to solve it. In addition I have mittelschmerz (a long German name for pain during ovulation). These 2 conditions leave me miserable for 2 weeks out of every month. I tried birth control pills and got a blood clot. There are few options left for me.

I had an appointment last week and the OB/GYN who delivered all 3 of my boys did an endometrial biopsy. Not a major procedure by any means, but it was uncomfortable and I slept from the time Spencer's bus left at 12:45 until the boys came home at 4. I was KO'd by it. Which was a total surprise to me. Assuming the biopsy is negative (showing no abnormal cells), I will be having an endometrial ablation in December.

I've done some research on it, but I can't find anyplace that really gives the nuts and bolts of the effects of the procedure, the recovery time, the length of time before you see results ... so I am here. Have you had similar symptoms? How did/do you deal with them? Have you had an ablation? How was your recovery time? Do you have any tips for me? Any suggestions for prepping? Anything I need to know ahead of time?

My mother-in-law is coming down the day after and Rob will be off work for Christmas so I will be able to rest if necessary, but I want to know how I'll feel by about the 24/25. Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.

If you don't want to leave info in the comments, my email is


  1. I wish I could shed some light on this... but I can't. I'm sure however, that the upcoming treatment will be successful.

    Ah... the things we women must endure!

  2. Yeesh!

    No help here, but I hope it all turns out well.

  3. Anonymous11:34 AM

    No insight unfortunately J, but wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and hope the procedure works the kinks out successfully. :hug:
