Friday, May 12, 2006

Tagged by Jes

What's in:
My fridge:
1. Silk Vanilla Soy Milk
2. V-8 juice (Garrett's fave)
3. apple juice boxes
4. leftover spaghetti & meatballs

My Closet:
1. clothes
2. purses (more than I need, but I love them)
3. paper shredder
4. shoes

My purse:
1. cell phone
2. wallet
3. IceBreakers mints
4. sunglasses case

My car
1. new Springsteen CD (The Seeger Sessions)
2. a baseball bat
3. 2 chairs for baseball games
4. duffel bag with baseball gear and snacks

I apologize sincerely to everyone who read this. God, I am boring.


  1. hhehe...this story makes me want to jump up and scream..THANK YOU!!!!!

  2. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Just the for the record.... (and you should know that it is not ME saing this, but someone that used to work for me at Handbags....) When I was first introduced to the department and I made mention of "the purse" I carried and she said, "Darrrrrhhhling.... you carry a handbag, a purse is something you win at the horse track!" I've always remembered that she said that- and I still call my handbag a purse.
