I have always wished for a child who would share his day with me. One who would tell me what happened in the classroom and on the playground, what he learned in school, and what he thought about those events, the things he learned, and life in general.
Garrett does not share such information. Ever.
Evan, on the other hand, appears to be an answer to prayer. He shares incessantly.
And I am SO bored hearing a play-by-play rundown of the soccer game from each recess period, the story of J--- playing a joke on his big brother, the story of N---- and his little brother, the story of A----, who is going to play his final soccer game of the year and then get a trophy, a medal, and a certificate.
Honestly, I got what I wanted and now all I want is a little peace and quiet.
If I believed in hell I know that's where I would be going.
And I'd be right there, sitting next to you.