Friday, August 17, 2007


We are back from our vacation, but I will not be updating regularly for a while. After all that time in the car I developed Deep Vein Thrombosis (that's a blood clot) in my right leg. I am okay but this is a serious condition so I am on bed rest and a lot of meds. Most fun? The twice-daily Lovenox injections in my abdomen -- NOT. I am thankful my friend the RN is giving me the shots so I don't have to do it myself.

Rob is in Minneapolis starting his MBA program and the kids are at his brother and sister-in-law's until he comes home.

I am okay -- more later, I promise. Right now I am just going to rest.


  1. I'm sorry that happened- but Wow! How did you know what it was?? Thank goodness it was diagnosed early. Take care.

  2. Wow. You have more interesting/unfortunate things happen to you than almost anyone I know.

    Good thing you caught it. Hope you're back on your feet soon.

  3. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Wow! Thank God you were able to discover that and get treatment! Good thoughts to you from D.C. Get lots of rest. I miss you!

  4. I guess I should have read your blog and I would have known how you were. Duh.

    Glad you are getting the treatment you need. I had so much fun when you guys were here. We can't wait to come to MN!

  5. take care of yourself.

  6. Anonymous12:23 AM

    wow! that is serious. good luck jennifer hope they dissolve soon.

