Thursday, August 09, 2007


We are on the road. I am posting from our hotel room and I have to say I am quite pleased with myself. I actually sent the evites for Garrett's birthday party tonight. He is having a pool party to celebrate hitting double digits. Our great friends Matt and Jen are letting us use their fab backyard pool again.

It's a tiki party and Garrett can hardly wait. I am just happy I basically have most stuff ready to go and I'll still have a week or so to be sure I am set. Yay!

Tomorrow, a visit with my friend Kris and, if she'll let me, a little housecleaning for her and possibly some cooking. I think we both need a little time together so we will let Rob and the rest of the crew go sightsee for a while.

Okay, more posts later whenever I can get free internet at our hotels or find a wireless hotspot (and yes, I may drop into a Charbucks out of sheer desperation).



  1. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Travel safe and have a great time!

  2. And I realized today that I forgot to return your call. Now you are gone. If you still need me - call when you get back. Have a great trip!
