I am SO glad I opened the letter, though. And it made me realize something -- sometimes a perceived slight is just that -- a perception, not reality. It turns out that both of us perceived things that were not intended by the other person, and both of us, by what we did and/or did not do, caused hurt feelings and a lot of confusion.
An hour-long phone call later (that totally felt like therapy to me), and I think we are on the way to mending things and letting go of our hurts.
I don't have a lot of time tonight (getting ready for Bruce LOL), but since I am in NaBloPoMo I will have plenty of opportunity to discuss this further.
Today's conversation brought up a lot of questions:
- how many times is enough when making overtures to renew a foundering friendship?
- if you take into account a friend's personality at the core of themselves, what happens when your personality and theirs end up separating you further without either of you realizing that is what happened?
- how do you rekindle that friendship when you're still pretty sure that other people in that group want nothing to do with you?
- if your friends know about your blog and suddenly they're not your friends anymore, will it make you feel weird when you discover they peek in periodically (especially if you've discussed your feelings about the loss of friendship on said blog)?
Interesting stuff. Honestly, not something I ever considered in blogging. I confess I *did* sometimes wonder if today's friend checked in, but I honestly never thought to wonder if anyone else did. Didn't really care. But I *am* thinking about it now, and kind of confused about why I care (or do I?). LOL
I'm typing in circles here, and Grey's Anatomy is starting in a minute, and I need to go. But clearly I need to watch my blog stats more closely. LOL
How was Halloween? Do u have any pics? How have u been?